Here we go another adventure in this long winded truck build :D.... After many hours of building my custom interior painless
cab harness I decided as well as I am doing with that I will give a shot at the fuel injection wiring setup next.. Here
we are the start of this next long road lol......
Above is the relay center for this whole shebang. I wired up four seperate relays for each of the needed circuits. Brendans
websites shows a simpler relay setup for this but I figured I might as well keep things as factory as possible to lessen the
amount of programming this unit is going to need.
Above you can see the whole assembly mounted in place. LOL Instead of paying 20 some odd bucks at the dealership for
the ecm plastic isolator mount i went to the local home depot looking for something that would work for my purposes and low
and behold there it was.......... A toilet seat lid *chuckles* now I just need to figure a spot to add some of the kitchen
sink into my truck lol.